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Partnering for the UN Sustainable Development Goals


Networking for Purpose – Partnering for Purpose CIC Launch



Transforming the world into a nicer place,
one organisation at a time.

Partnering for Purpose CIC operates as a "Co-operative as a Service" (a CaaS) in the Liverpool City Region, West Lancashire and West Cheshire. It is a multidisciplinary consulting and project service provider seeking to bring together experts in fields such as marketing, operations, digital, creative, finance and more to help STOs ("socially trading organisations" – charities, CICs and other social enterprises) to develop “strategic frameworks” for the benefit of stakeholders in order to optimise the organisation’s impact to "transform the world into a nicer place, one organisation at a time.". Find out more about partnering with us below

However, at Partnering for Purpose CIC, we're not aiming just to support organisations – we aim to change lives across the Liverpool City Region, West Lancashire, and West Cheshire. Our innovative approach to infrastructure support is designed to create a ripple effect of positive change, reaching deep into communities. We work to

  • Impact Beneficiaries and Service Users
  • Address Multiple Deprivation
  • Measure Our Impact
  • Invest in a Stronger Third Sector
Find out more about how our support can help touch the lives of those most in need.


Community Social Impact

The Liverpool City Region faces significant challenges, with many areas ranking high on the Index of Multiple Deprivation. By empowering local non-profits, charities, and social enterprises, we're ensuring that vital services reach further and work harder for the people who need them most. Continue reading....