Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement


This statement is published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the actions and activities taken by Partnering for Purpose CIC (‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’) to prevent slavery and human trafficking violations in our operations and supply chains.

Our Organisation

We are Partnering for Purpose CIC based in the United Kingdom. We are a multidisciplinary business consulting service provider seeking to bring together experts in fields such as marketing, operations, digital, creative, finance and more to help STOs (“socially trading organisations” – charities, CICs and other social enterprises) to develop “strategic frameworks” for the benefit of stakeholders in order to optimise the organisation’s impact to “transform the world into a nicer place“.

Our policies.

We have a zero-tolerance approach towards slavery and human trafficking and we are committed to ensuring it has no presence in any part of our business or supply chains.
We are dedicated to ensuring compliance with law, policies and processes. As part of our commitment for continuous improvement, all UK policies are reviewed on a regular basis thereafter to ensure ongoing compliance. If we become aware of any breaches, we will investigate and take such steps as are necessary.

Due diligence processes.

Our recruitment processes are transparent, and we have vetting procedures in place for new employees to confirm their identities and ensure that they are paid into a personal bank account.
We also follow robust processes to ensure that we only engage with reputable suppliers who have been carefully considered. Our suppliers are monitored and are reviewed on a regular basis.

Risk and compliance

Due to the majority of our supply chain being based in the UK and in lower risk sectors, such as consultancy, internet software and services, our exposure to risk is low. While we do not act as a producer, manufacturer or retailer of physical goods we are conscious that imported products or services sourced from outside the UK or EU are potentially more at risk of slavery or human trafficking issues. We expect all our suppliers to meet legal and ethical standards as a condition of doing business with us and we will not work with any supplier organisation that has been found to have been knowingly involved in either human trafficking or modern slavery.

This statement was approved by our board of directors and is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

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